Monday, November 23, 2009

'Tis the Season . . . for panhandling in the name of charity

It is probably the many years I have spent being constantly panhandled in Downtown LA, but I get pretty annoyed by it. And don't call me heartless, either, because I know more about the politics, laws and motives behind panhandling than just about anyone, after the years I spent working on policies affecting the homeless.
So I get a little taken aback when I have essentially the same feeling around this time of year at seemingly every store I go into. But this sign at Trader Joe's in Torrance takes the cake. Give it a good read. And remember that the lady is so dumb that she is still standing right next to it.

Wearing the same ultra-bright-white-drum-major-get-up, but looking decidedly like a gang member, was THIS guy, at the 110 freeway onramp in Wilmington. The picture doesn't capture how sketchy looking he was. And working the freeway onramp. Nothing says "I have legitimate 501(c)3 status and I'm going to make every penny you donate go to help the less fortunate" than giving menacing looks to drivers stuck in the light at the freeway entrance.

And P.S.: Ralphs, when I'm checking out, please don't ask me if I want to donate a dollar to Ronald McDonald House or whatever. I DON'T!
Yes, Bah Humbug to YOU, too!

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