North Dakota Snowbirds
My dad is from North Dakota, so we get a lot of awesomeness from the Old Country. My favorite category is "North Dakota Folksy" because of the overly-honest stuff people write. This card, though, is a subset of that general vein. I'm calling it North Dakota Snowbird because it is filled with people who have one foot in ND and one foot in a warmer clime, usually Arizona. These are the people who write letters that usually include references to both snowstorms and motor homes, since they spend the winter months away.
My dad is from North Dakota, so we get a lot of awesomeness from the Old Country. My favorite category is "North Dakota Folksy" because of the overly-honest stuff people write. This card, though, is a subset of that general vein. I'm calling it North Dakota Snowbird because it is filled with people who have one foot in ND and one foot in a warmer clime, usually Arizona. These are the people who write letters that usually include references to both snowstorms and motor homes, since they spend the winter months away.
I initially noticed this card because of the hilariously bad background for what would otherwise be a lovely picture. Really? You couldn't find a nicer set for your Christmas card than two folding chairs, some 1/4 inch pile industrial carpet, and a white wall??? Bonus points because the accompanying letter includes references to the following: the sun, winter, Arizona, church, Bible, swimming pool, gardening, Palm Springs, the sun (again), pool, Fargo, flooding, medical troubles, blizzard, snow, death, rain, "the lower 48," church, canning and pickling.

Pet Cards

Really needs no commentary. Just awesome. We also received what I'm calling a "companion piece" that was a photo of three Siamese cats.
Exotic Travels
While the first of these is pretty sweet . . .

. . . this second one gave me the willies. Sorry, but it looks like an ad for a "sex tourism" package to Guinea or something. [note: photo is purposely grainy, to protect the identity of what I'm sure is a very nice old doctor friend of my dad's]

Pet Cards

Really needs no commentary. Just awesome. We also received what I'm calling a "companion piece" that was a photo of three Siamese cats.
Exotic Travels
While the first of these is pretty sweet . . .

. . . this second one gave me the willies. Sorry, but it looks like an ad for a "sex tourism" package to Guinea or something. [note: photo is purposely grainy, to protect the identity of what I'm sure is a very nice old doctor friend of my dad's]